




This 7-year-old boy is making light-up Pokeball badges to keep kids safe while playing Pokemon Go in the dark.

Check out his gofundme page here

To the Sanders fans pissed about Bernie endorsing Hillary


You do realize why he is doing this right?

He’s consistently said again and again after the primaries that his #1 goal is to: STOP DONALD TRUMP FROM BECOMING PRESIDENT.

So, with that goal in mind, it would be an absolute fuckton of a disaster if Bernie were to run third-party or begged his supporters to vote for him write-in, you know why? Because it would split the Democratic vote up in half.
And because of that this would give them way less votes in order to beat Trump, and because of that Trump would lead in national votes in most states, and thus lead in the electoral vote, making him president.

Don’t believe me? Look at the 1912, 1968 and 2000 elections and tell me I’m wrong.

Bernie knows this too, that’s why he’s urging his supporters to vote for Hillary. He wants the Democrats united so Trump will be defeated.

He’s not “selling out”, he’s doing this so no supporter of his will either vote Trump or abstain from voting, and to make sure America continues progress. Progress that, unfortunately will be thwarted or reversed with Trump as president.

The political revolution fails if Trump is elected.


The planet Saturn, August 11, 1981, imaged by Voyager 2 from a range of 14.7 million kilometers (9.1 million miles). You can also see the moons Dione (right) and Enceladus. (NASA)


I think my man needs to read this with how he gets on my sometimes.

I always see the dog choking info on here, so here’s what to do if a kitty is choking



Save your kitties, we all know they eat everything anyway.

Read this, remember it, and hope you never have to actually use it!



I see no difference.

im flatlining

No need to panic


For those who saw that post urging people to run for the hills and cry a river over how Yahoo lost money on tumblr and will therefore suddenly shut it down, breathe.

Tumblr is amongst the Big Four with Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, with 300 million monthly users last month. 100 million people use IG every month, and IG is in no danger of “poofing” away. The Big Four have become iconic in recent years, talked about on talkshows, referenced in movies, and while scrolling down any article you will most likely see the “tumblr” “tweet” “share” and “email” buttons.

“But the number of users is declining!” You say. Angry Birds players have declined too over the years, but it’s still wildly popular and one of the top rated games on the App store. Less people are using Facebook now too, but it’s still here. I tried searching tumblr and google for any sort of other information about Yahoo chopping tumblr, but all I found was that one post. Preemptive widespread panic from some simple speculation.

Yes, Yahoo may have suddenly shut down a couple fandom-oriented sites a few years back, blah blah. But tumblr is more than just a (giant) site for posting fandom content; to erase tumblr would be to erase millions of pieces of art, poetry, writing, company platforms, film campaigns, photography, podcasts, celebrity users, social communities, and business resources. Highly successful people and popular bloggers that are known elsewhere, made famous by tumblr. Yahoo will not want to piss off 300 million people and be known as the company who killed all that. Especially without heavy warning.

Save your posts if you want to (I always just email myself the text or put files on a flash drive), but I’ll eat my shoe if one day we open the login page and find a “sorry, this site was taken down!” message. It’s regular and expected business for profit to dip down before it dips up again. If Yahoo really is losing that much money (assuming the cited article is true) some other company will buy tumblr, as tumblr has been around since 2007.

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