2. Cooking headcanon

Jacqui never really liked the idea of cooking; of course it’s a practical necessity but she never liked the domestic connotations of it. That being said, she can prepare three of four dishes rather well, and although she won’t admit it she’s envious of her mother’s skills in the kitchen.

3. Sleeping headcanon

Keeps probably the strictest sleeping regimen out of all her peers in SF (seriously, she makes Cassie look like a slacker). How she operates on roughly 5-6 hours of shuteye every day is anyone’s guess.

4. Driving headcanon

(I feel like someone else had this idea so if I’m stealing it sorry)

Jacqui has a lead foot, to put it lightly (the metaphor, not her foot. Obviously). She usually relinquishes the wheel to her teammates but when shit gets real she knows how to maneuver.