


1. Do you like him?

But of course! Who wouldn’t? 

2. 5 Good Qualities

1. He’s the glue that holds everyone together; 2. He’s infinitely wise; 3. He’s the teacher/mentor of the Earthrealm Champions which gives him this sexy librarian quality; 4. He’s the god of thunder and I love thunderstorms, so if he was around, I could get a good light show any time I wanted; 5. He’s tolerant of all races, religions, genders, and sexual orientations. 

3. 3 Bad Qualities

1. He’s put up with Shao Kahn’s shit for far too long; 2. He needs to review his security measures for guarding Shinnok’s amulet; 3. His tag line “Thunder take you!” is unintentionally hilarious. 

4. Favorite Episode/etc. 

I live the live-action versions of Raiden better than the video game ones. Jeffrey Meek’s depiction was a great balance of comical and sage, as was Christopher Lambert’s, but I think I prefer the latter because there was also a much darker undertone with his version that keeps in-step with the dark themes of the games. 


5. OTP

I really don’t have one for him, though since I’ve been reading Silver Linings by @igot2ne1problems, I kind of like him with Sindel. 


Fujin, naturally. In my head canon, they’re not just like brothers, they are brothers. I mean, in most world mythologies, the gods are all related to each other in one way or another. Why not just let him and Fujin be brothers since they rule closely-related weather phenomenon? 

7. OT3

The problem is that Raiden strikes me as the sort of guy who doesn’t ever have a lot of romantic relationships, like he’s deliberately abstinent. Imagining him with one lover is difficult, but two or more? So, no threesome’s for my favorite Thunder God, thank you. 


Well, there’s Shinnok, and not only because in my head canon (and in Mortal Kombat: Annihilation), that’s Raiden’s dad. Hello, have you people even played Mortal Kombat


I also don’t like Raiden paired with Cassie. Those are some Hugh Hefner numbers right there :p

9. Best Quote

From the first movie:

“One of you three will determine the outcome of the tournament. The fate of billions depends upon you. Hehehe.” 

10. Head Canon

Raiden is Shinnok’s son, Fujin’s brother, and Shao Kahn’s half-brother. With that, like I said above, I just look at trends in traditional mythology and various pantheons, and I proceed from there. To me, he’s like Apollo blended with his mythological namesake as well as Prometheus and St. Michael the Archangel; he’s the god of truth, of the future, of medicine and healing, and peace. Don’t get me wrong, he can totally whup ass if need be. But he prefers peace and harmony to warfare and bloodshed. This makes him the ideal poster child and patron god of the White Lotus and the Shaolin monks. 

His relationship with Shinnok is strained, to say the least, and always has been, even before the Elder God fell from grace. He always tried to be the good son and do what his father wanted, but he frequently fell short of Shinnok’s expectations because he couldn’t stomach that insatiable hunger to do evil things. When the Elder Gods went to war against Shinnok, Raiden was their general leading the charge against him, and is the one who personally imprisoned him in the Netherrealm. That’s part of the reason Shinnok really has it out for Raiden in the MKX timeline. 

He is particularly fond of his Shaolin warriors (Liu Kang, Kung Lao, and Kung Jin), but he is like a doting father to all his Earthrealm Champions, even if they don’t always see eye to eye on various issues. 


1. Do you like him?

Yeah, he’s grown on me, thanks in part to you, @obelisk-of-light 😀

 2. 5 Good Qualities

1. He’s loyal to Earthrealm; 2. He has mad hair-braiding skills; 3. He has a great body; 4. (head canon time) He’s free-spirited and independent; 5. He’s great with a wind staff. 


 3. 3 Bad Qualities

1. He’s not in KP2; 2. He’s not in KP2; 3. He’s not in KP2. 

4. Favorite Episode/etc. 

I enjoyed his brief appearance in MKX, short as it was. In that time, you got to see him kick some serious ass while backing up Raiden. His physical design was gorgeous and of course, they got a wonderful voice actor (Troy Baker) to do his voice. I really enjoyed the face lift Netherrealm Studios gave him, and I’m pretty disappointed that they couldn’t further explore his character in KP2. Leatherface made the cut, but not him? Don’t even get me started! 

5. OTP

Like Raiden, I don’t really have one for him canonically speaking. Non-canonically speaking, though, there is a part of me that still ships him with Kailyn. 


Raiden, because in my head, they’re brothers. 

7. OT3

I think Fujin is the sort of fun-loving, free-spirited god that would have threesomes and/or orgies, but no one that I can think of from the game itself. Maybe twin Playboy bunnies who originally hail from Kansas LMAO


Stop pairing him with Raiden. They’re brothers. That’s just icky. Game of Thrones icky. 


9. Best Quote

I can’t honestly think of none that stand out to me. He got so few lines in MKX, and in any of the games, his dialogue has been just meh. 😦 

10. Head Canon

Fujin is Hermes blended with Zephyrus. He’s ornery and mischievous, and loves to play pranks on people, though he’s become more serious after the elder Sub-Zero broke into the Temple of the Elements and miraculously defeated him in battle. He’s still much more laid back than Raiden, who is downright uptight most of the time. That’s because he’s his kid brother; centuries separate them. 

If he gets angry though, he hulks out and its bad for everyone. This is when hurricanes and blizzards and F5 tornadoes spring into existence. Fujin knows this is his weakness, so he works hard to stay calm and happy as much as he can. It helps that he’s so sociable because he has a wide network of friends and family who keep him grounded and in control of his feelings. 

When Raiden led the other gods against Shinnok, Fujin was right there with him, helping him overthrow their father. Shinnok disliked Raiden but hated Fujin because he is all about autonomy and independence, and fiercely believes in human free will. He frequently defied his father. So when Shinnok broke free of Netherrealm, he had a special vendetta against Fujin. 


i cannot for the life of me remove the sexy librarian connotation now